Liebster Award!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Hello all, I hope your Thursday is going good so far! Recently I was given a Liebster Award by Gwen from A Geek and Her Oven!

What is a Liebster Award?
"Well, it is only an AWESOME award given to up and coming bloggers. Given by other up and coming bloggers. It's a cool way to find other blogs and feel like you are getting into the blogging stratosphere. It is simple, you get nominated by someone else, mention their page and a link to their blog in your Liebster Award Post, answer the 11 questions they give you, then tag 11 other nominees and give them a new set of 11 questions to answer."


1. What's your favorite book?
I'm pretty sure I can say without a doubt The Blue Sword by Robin Mckinley! It's a YA fantasy book that I read in high school, and the vivid imagery and loveable characters have stayed with me ever since! I've always enjoyed a good fantasy novel with a main character that is female! Another really great YA fantasy with such a character is Sabriel, by Garth Nix. That book is practically perfect in every way. So I guess it's a tie!
2. What is one piece of clothing that you can't live without?
I think, despite it being one of the least attractive articles of clothing I own, I have an oversized dark blue post office employee sweater given to me by my dad, via my aunt (who is a post office employee). It's tattered and faded and flimsy looking, but it keeps me warm in all kinds of weather!
3. Where would you go for you dream vacation?
These questions don't get easy do they? I have so many spots in mind for lovely vacations! I think my top choice would have to be Japan though. Even for the food and the architecture alone! It would be a shock to be in such a different culture, but I think I'd love it. It's definitely the ultimate vacation destination for me.
4. Who would play you in a film about your life?
I honestly have a hard time thinking of a Latina actress with features anywhere close to mine. This one is pretty impossible for me to answer, as the actresses I know with similar figures are all white. If you want to throw out a suggestion go for it!
5. If you could, where would you take a time traveling machine to?
Don't you mean when? I'm not sure. I guess I'd go to my younger self (early 20s?) and try to jumpstart my love for myself at an earlier age. I'm a late bloomer and I know a good chunk of that is due to my insecurities growing up. It would have been nice to know then what I know now! I think if I had felt more comfortable back then, I would have done a lot more with my life by now.
6. What is one movie you can watch over and over and never get tired of?
Okay it depends on my mood. I have a few movies that fall under this category. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Lost in Translation, Julie and Julia, Amelie and Disney's Tarzan. They all connect with a certain part of me, and they're all movies I need to watch at least once a year (but usually more often!).
7. Who is your current celebrity crush?
I'm pretty sure Christina Hendricks takes up this role for now and forever.
8. Do you collect anything? Books, art supplies, comics, mugs. I know art supplies are weird to collect. I use them as well, but I definitely have a ton more than I currently need. But I think my main collection is mugs. Whenever I go on a trip, that's usually my souvenir of choice.
9. What is one of your goals for 2014?
Well if you're curious about this one, my blog post 30 before 30 covers this subject in great detail!
10. Name a TV show that you really liked that got canceled too soon or no longer airs.
ALL the shows I liked? Life, Eli Stone, Firefly, Pushing name a few!
11. If you could be on the set of a movie or tv show for a day, which would you go to?
I think Sleepy Hollow seems like a fun set to be on!

Unfortunately, I don't follow a lot of new blogs, so I don't have anyone to nominate that I haven't found through being nominated by another blogger. If you'd like to suggest some new blogs, I'm always open to reading blogs by some cuties! See ya'll later!


  1. AH! A Garth Nix fan? Instant follow. :D
    Adorable blog!

    1. Yeah, I have the entire Abhorsen series! It's on my to-read list for this year! Thanks so much!

  2. Christina Hendricks is definitely a forever crush for me too!
