8AM: I had wanted to sleep in some more after staying out with coworkers after work, but internal alarm clocks don't give a damn!

11AM: Actually remembered to water my plants! I know that small one looks droopy, but it's growing some new buds! I just need to read up on how to properly prune it so it doesn't look like a zombie plant.

1PM: Trying on outfits at Forever 21 (Bleh!). I went in for some sweaters for my trip and was not disappointed!

I was really excited for this post. Not really for the content, it's just a typical day off of mine, but because I used it as a learning tool for my camera functions and it really paid off. I understand things so much better now. All the things my boyfriend taught me while I was being a total grump got through to me! I'm sure he'll be relieved to hear that. I have obviously not mastered photography, but I'm really pleased with what I did learn. I think I'll try to do a couple of these while I'm in Portland! I'm not really sure of my post schedule while I'm up there, because I won't have time to put together competent photo posts, and I won't have my tablet to post art either. We'll see! I'm sure I'll be able to think of something! Anyway, happy Friday all!

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