One of those days...weeks...months...

Friday, March 28, 2014

You know you're in a slump when it's the middle of the week and you can't remember what day it is. Slumps come and go for me, and I'm not particularly worried about this one, but I can easily identify my slumps. I don't want to go out much, I wear clothes that reflect ease and comfort rather than style choices. My clothes are often more drab colors, so they don't stand out when I eventually do leave my home for work or groceries. I've been sticking to leggings and loose dresses and my new favorite sweater from Forever21 (who, by the way, had excellent sweater choices this winter!).

I haven't felt like being out since I've returned home from Portland. Post-vacation depression? Is that a thing? Getting back to routine, to work, and to all the things you were trying to get away from on your vacation; it can be a little overwhelming. I've been trying to be productive by working on comics, or reading, or cooking, but sometimes even the smallest thing is too much work. While I have no small amount of troubles, sometimes they pile up and seem insurmountable. Needless to say, as much as I've wanted to get out and do some fashion posts, they've been on the back burner on my list of self-care and priorities. (Whoo boy, good thing I didn't decide to make this blog focus on fashion!)

This post isn't to worry anyone, I'm not fine, but I will be. These things tend to happen to even the most positive of people (a list for which I probably do not qualify, but that's neither here nor there!) and we all seem to push through. There'll be a day where the items in my closet speak out to me again and I'll be able to put together an outfit and feel amazing in it! But for now I'm just going to push through this little slump of mine until I'm in a better place emotionally and wear my drab, comfy clothes.

I'm actually still editing photos for the next post from my trip as well. There are just SO many lovely images from our trip to Multnomah Falls that I'm having a hell of a time trying to weed out any of them! The nature out in Oregon was just so beautiful, it's hard to look at any picture and think it's not worth showing to everyone! Perhaps I'm just not used to seeing green as others, though. I mean how many pictures of trees can one really take? Let me answer that for you right now: a lot! My apologies in advance for those endless tree photos. I just really love trees! Ask my brother. I'm sure he doesn't miss the countless amount of times I asked to stop what we were doing so I could take yet another picture of a tree. Anyway, I should have that post coming together soon!

Until next time, have a great weekend!
Jessie xxoo


  1. I used to dread those slumps because it can be so difficult to get out of. Now I try to view it as some relaxing time until inspiration hits! :D Totally with you with the comfort clothes and not going out.

    When I go on vacation, I'm out and about in the sun. Usually I feel NOPE when I get back home because I don't get out.. so it might be a lack of sun that triggers?

    Oregon is SO beautiful. I love taking pictures of trees too haha

    Have a good weekend!!

    1. I'm hoping it's only a slump and not a depressive episode. Slumps are much easier to move past. I'll try to treat it as a break and try not to feel guilty for not working enough!

      The sun has never really been much of an issue for my mood. I actually am really happy when it's gloomy outside so I have no idea if that could be it. I'll try to let the sun in more often and see if it helps hah. I definitely loved Oregon, despite all the rain and cold! It was so beautiful I can't wait to return!

  2. Completely get where you're coming from. Those days when you get up and it's just 'ugh'. Comfy pants, warm tops, slippers.
    I struggle a lot with what you're describing, not just after a holiday, it can happen to me at any time, so i know how you're feeling right now.
    Hope you feel better soon X

    1. Yeah, I have down time but I also have depression, I'm just trying to be optimistic and hope it's the after effects of having a rad vacation! Thanks so much!
